

  • [Jan. 2025] Two papers have been accepted to appear at the HCI Korea 2025 Hongcheon, Gangwon-do (February 2025). :sparkles: :smile:

  • [Dec. 2024] Welcome! Myeonghun Jeong and Duhyung Kwak joined HCAIL as a undergraduate research intern, respectively!

  • [Dec. 2024] One paper has been accepted to appear at AAAI'25 Workshop: Towards a Knowledge-grounded Scientific Research Lifecycle, Philadelphia, PA, USA (March 2025). :sparkles: :smile:

  • [Nov. 2024] Welcome! Jaebeom Son and Minji Park joined HCAIL as a undergraduate research intern, respectively!

  • [Sep. 2024] HCAIL has moved from the University of Seoul to Seoul National University. :sparkles: :smile:

  • [Sep. 2024] Hyunggu Jung joined the College of Nursing at Seoul National University as an associate professor. :sparkles: :smile:

  • [Aug. 2024] Our paper has been accepted to appear at ASSETS'24, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada (October 2024). :sparkles: :smile:

  • [Aug. 2024] Hyunmin and Yunseo served as a student volunteer at IJCAI’24 successfully! :sparkles: :smile:

  • [Aug. 2024] Our paper was presented at IJCAI 2024 in Seogwipo, Korea.

  • [Aug. 2024] Started a research project on Development of a large-scale multimodal data framework for supporting periodontal disease care through improving nutrition and microbiome environment supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) as a co-investigator. :sparkles: :smile:

  • [July 2024] Hyunggu served as an co-organizer, and Hyunmin, Jiyoo, & Yunseo as a student volunteer at the 2024 SIGCHI Korea Local Chapter Summer Event successfully!

  • [June 2024] Welcome! Jiyoo Min joined HCAIL as a undergraduate research intern!

  • [Feb. 2024] Congratulations! The team HCAIL organized by our lab members including Hyunmin, SeungYoung, Yunseo, & Hyunggu won the Excellent Prize at the Barrier Free App Development Contest in Korea! [video]

  • [Feb. 2024] Congratulations! Hyunmin, SeungYoung and Yunseo won Encouragement Award at 실전문제연구팀 연구성과 공유한마당!

  • [Jan. 2024] Congratulations! Taewon and Hyunggu awarded Best Paper at HCI Korea 2024!

  • [Jan. 2024] Four papers were presented at HCI Korea 2024 in Hongcheon, Korea.

  • [Jan. 2024] Welcome! Yubin Kim joined HCAIL as a undergraduate research intern!


  • [Dec. 2023] Welcome! Dahyun Jeong joined HCAIL as a undergraduate research intern!

  • [Oct. 2023] Hyunmin, SeungYoung, Sungmin, Taewon, and Yunseo served as a student volunteer at CSCW’23 successfully! :sparkles: :smile:

  • [Aug. 2023] Our paper has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Access journal. :sparkles: :smile:

  • [June 2023] Our two papers have been accepted to appear at ICML'23 Workshop on Artificial Intelligenbce & Human Computer Interaction, Honolulu, HI, USA (July 2023). :sparkles: :smile:

  • [June 2023] Our two papers have been accepted to appear at CSCW'23, Minneapolis, MN, USA (October 2023). :sparkles: :smile:

  • [May 2023] Our paper has been accepted for publication in the Heliyon journal. :sparkles: :smile:

  • [Apr. 2023] Welcome! Yunseo Moon joined HCAIL as a undergraduate research intern!

  • [Mar. 2023] Hyunmin and Minki served as a student volunteer at IUI’23 successfully! :sparkles: :smile:

  • [Mar. 2023] Three papers were presented at IUI 2023 in Sydney, Australia.

  • [Mar. 2023] Congratulations! Hyunmin Lee was selected as a Gary Marsden Travel Awards recipient.

  • [Mar. 2023] Our paper was presented at AMIA 2023 Informatics Summit in Seattle, U.S.

  • [Feb. 2023] Congratulations! Minki Chun was selected as an ACM IUI Student Grants recipient.

  • [Feb. 2023] Congratulations! Minki Chun and Hyeonhak Jeong obtained their Master's degree in Computer Science, respectively.

  • [Feb. 2023] Congratulations! Minki Chun was selected as an outstanding paper award recipient of the University of Seoul.

  • [Feb. 2023] Congratulations! Minki Chun was selected as an ACM IUI student grant recipient to attend IUI'23 in Sydney, Australia (March 2023).

  • [Feb. 2023] Three papers have been accepted to appear at the ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI'23) in Sydney, Australia (March 2023).

  • [Jan. 2023] Welcome! Youngeun Ju and Sanghun Kim joined HCAIL as a undergraduate research intern, respectively!


  • [Dec. 2022] Three papers were presented at KSC 2022 in Jeju, Korea.

  • [Dec. 2022] Our paper has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Access journal. :sparkles: :smile:

  • [Nov. 2022] Hyunmin and Soohyun served as a student volunteer at CSCW’22 successfully! :sparkles: :smile:

  • [Nov. 2022] Welcome! Wanhae Lee joined HCAIL as a research intern!

  • [Nov. 2022] Our paper about an community of model publishers on TensorFlow hub was presented at CSCW’22, Virtual.

  • [Nov. 2022] Our paper about fairness in artificial intelligence has been published in Communications of the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers.

  • [Oct. 2022] Sungmin Na served as a student volunteer at UIST’22 successfully! :sparkles: :smile:

  • [Oct. 2022] Congratulations! Sungmin Na was selected as a Gary Marsden Travel Awards recipient.

  • [Sep. 2022] Our paper has been accepted for publication in the Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS) journal.

  • [July 2022] Hyunggu served as a local & finance chair, and Hyeonhak, Hyunmin, Minki, Saeri, Soohyun, Sungmin, & Yunjung as a student volunteer at the 2022 SIGCHI Korea Local Chapter Summer Event successfully! [video]

  • [July 2022] Our paper has been conditionally accepted to appear at CSCW'22, Zoom (Oct 2022). :sparkles: :smile:

  • [July 2022] Two papers about responsible AI were presented at KCC'22 in Seogwipo, Korea. :sparkles: :smile:

  • [June 2022] Subin Park was selected as a recipient of the OnDream Future Technology Scholarship from Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Foundation! Awarded to top student researchers like her with 5 pubs already as an undergradate research intern at HCAIL. [link] :sparkles: :smile:

  • [June 2022] Hyunggu Jung gave his invited talk about human-centered AI techniques and methods for improving decision making in a health domain at the workshop organized by the database society at KCC'22, Seogwipo, Korea. :sparkles: :smile:

  • [June 2022] Our paper about how to support art therapists through an AI-assisted tool was presented at ECSCW'22 in Coimbra, Portugal. :sparkles: :smile:

  • [June 2022] Welcome! Seung Young Oh joined HCAIL as an undergradate research intern!

  • [June 2022] Hyeonhak, Hyunmin, Minki, Saeri, Soohyun, Sungmin, Taewon, & Yunjung served as a student volunteer at FAcct’22 successfully! (June 2022). :sparkles: :smile:

  • [June 2022] Hyunggu Jung gave his talk about how to leverage techniques and methods for better use of open notes at KOSMI'22, Wonju Severance Christian Hospital, Wonju, Korea. :sparkles: :smile: [link]

  • [June 2022] Two papers have been accepted to appear at KCC 2022, Seogwipo, Korea (June 2022). :sparkles: :smile: [link]

  • [May 2022] Hyunggu Jung delivered his keynote speech at the Annual Spring Conference of the Research Institute of Nursing Science, Cheonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea! [link]

  • [Apr. 2022] Welcome! Yunjung Bae and Soohyun Kwon joined HCAIL as an undergradate research intern, respectively!

  • [Apr. 2022] Our paper has been accepted to appear at the 20th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW’22), Coimbra, Portugal (June 2022). [link]

  • [Apr. 2022] Invited Talk at Department of Computer Science, Yonsei University. [link]

  • [Apr. 2022] Hyunggu Jung has started to serve as a chair of the SIGCHI Korea local chapter.

  • [Feb. 2022] Congratulations! The team HCAIL organized by our lab members including Subin Park, Taewon ­Yoo, Minki Chun, & Hyunggu Jung won the Excellent Prize at the Barrier Free App Development Contest in Korea! [video]

  • [Feb. 2022] Hyeonhak Jeong and Saeri Kim served as a student volunteer at TEI'22 successfully!

  • [Jan. 2022] Our paper has been accepted for publication in the Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS) journal.


  • [Dec. 2021] Our paper has been accepted to appear at the AAAI 2022 Workshop: Trustworthy AI for Healthcare virtually (February 2022).

  • [Dec. 2021] Two papers have been accepted to appear at the HCI Korea 2022 virtually (February 2022).

  • [Dec. 2021] Hyunggu Jung gave his talk at Urban Bigdata and AI Institute, University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea. [video]

  • [Nov. 2021] Hyunggu Jung gave his talk at KOSMI'21, Yongin Severance Hospital, Yongin, Korea.

  • [Nov. 2021] Welcome! Jiwon Chun joined HCAIL as a undergraduate research intern.

  • [Oct. 2021] Subin Park and Taewon Yoon served as a student volunteer at CSCW'21 successfully!

  • [Oct. 2021] Hyunggu Jung served as a session chair at CSCW'21 successfully.

  • [Oct. 2021] HCAIL presented two papers at CSCW'21 virtually.

  • [Oct. 2021] Sungmin Na and Subin Park served as a student volunteer at UIST'21 successfully!

  • [Oct. 2021] Congratulations! Minki Chun, Hyeonhak Jeong, GwanHee Lee, and Hyunmin Lee were selected as a travel grant recipient of the University of Seoul to attend CSCW'21.

  • [Oct. 2021] Our paper has been published in International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research.

  • [Oct. 2021] Hyeonhak Jeong, Joonyoung Jun, Jihyun Lee, Sungmin Na, Subin Park, and Taewon Yoo served as a student volunteer at ASSETS'21 successfully!

  • [Sep. 2021] Sungmin Na, Subin Park, and Taewon Yoo served as a student volunteer at RecSys'21 successfully!

  • [Sep. 2021] Hyeonhak Jeong served as a student volunteer at MobileHCI'21 successfully!

  • [Sep. 2021] Started a research project on the Development of an Artificial Intelligence System to Measure Students' Level of Understanding during the Real-Time Online Lectures supported by the Korean Ministry of Education as a principle investigator.

  • [Aug. 2021] Welcome! GwanHee Lee joined HCAIL as a undergraduate research intern.

  • [Aug. 2021] Excited to share that the team HCAIL organized by our lab members has been selected as one of the 10 finalists in the Barrier Free App Development Contest in Korea! Our goal is to develop an app that enables people with chronic conditions to maintain their healthy eating lifestyle. [url]

  • [July 2021] Our paper has been accepted to appear at the 24th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW'21) virtually (October 2021).

  • [June 2021] Hyuk Gi Lee, Jihyun Lee, Sungmin Na, Subin Park, and Taewon Yoo served as a student volunteer at DIS'21 successfully.

  • [June 2021] Welcome! Hyunmin Lee joined HCAIL as a undergraduate research intern.

  • [May 2021] Congratulations! Minki Chun was selected as a Gary Marsden Travel Awards recipient.

  • [May 2021] Welcome! Sehyeon Hong and Woohyun Cho joined HCAIL as a undergraduate research intern.

  • [May 2021] Hyeonhak Jeong served as a student volunteer at CHI'21 successfully.

  • [May 2021] Our paper has been accepted to appear at the 24th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW'21) virtually (October 2021).

  • [May 2021] Hyunggu Jung served as a session chair at CHI 2021 successfully.

  • [May 2021] Our paper was presented at Asian CHI Symposium 2021 on Zoom.

  • [Apr. 2021] Welcome! Saeri Kim joined HCAIL as a research intern.

  • [Apr. 2021] Minki Chun, Hyeonhak Jeong, and Taewon Yoo served as a student volunteer at IUI 2021 successfully.

  • [Apr. 2021] Two papers were presented at IUI 2021 on Zoom.

  • [Apr. 2021] Congratulations! Subin Park was selected as a Gary Marsden Travel Awards recipient.

  • [Apr. 2021] Started a research project on the Development of Technology for Quantifying Web Accessibility Based on Big Data to Improve Accessibility to Information for People with Visual Impairments </p> supported by the Seoul Metropolitan Government as a principle investigator.

  • [Mar. 2021] Hyunggu Jung gave his talk at Research Institute of Nursing Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.

  • [Mar. 2021] Welcome! Jeongjin Park joined HCAIL as an undergradate research intern.

  • [Mar. 2021] Welcome! JinHyun Han joined HCAIL as a Ph.D. student.

  • [Mar. 2021] Hyunggu Jung has started to serve as a department chair.

  • [Feb. 2021] Our paper has been published in JMIR Formative Research.

  • [Feb. 2021] Our paper has been published in the Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS) journal.

  • [Feb. 2021] Two papers have been accepted to appear at the ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI'21) on Zoom (April 2021).

  • [Jan. 2021] Our paper has been accepted for publication in JMIR Formative Research.

  • [Jan. 2021] Two papers were presented at HCI Korea 2021 on Zoom.


  • [Dec. 2020] Two papers have been accepted to appear at HCI Korea 2021 on Zoom.

  • [Dec. 2020] Hyunggu Jung has been invited to serve as an Associate Chair for the CHI 2021 Late-Breaking Work (LBW) Program Committee.

  • [Dec. 2020] Our paper has been accepted for publication in the Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS) journal.

  • [Sep. 2020] Hyunggu Jung has been invited to serve as an Associate Chair for CSCW 2021 Program Committee.

  • [July 2020] Hyunggu Jung has been invited to serve as a Program Committee member for IEEE AIVR 2020.

  • [July 2020] Our paper has been accepted to appear at the 2020 Summer Conference of the Korea Multimedia Society (KMMS), Jeju, Koera, August 2020 in Jeju, Korea (Aug. 2020).

  • [May 2020] Started a research project on the Development of an AI-based Dietary Assessment System for Managing Chronic Diseases supported by the University of Seoul as a principle investigator.

  • [Apr. 2020] Congratulations! Jihyun Lee and Subin Park received Best Presentation Awards, respectively at the Asian CHI Symposium 2020 at CHI'20 via Zoom.

  • [Mar. 2020] Hyunggu Jung has been invited to serve as a Program Committee member for RecSys 2020.

  • [Mar. 2020] Started a research project on the Development of an AI-based Dietary Assessment System for Digital Therapeutics to Support Older Adults with Diabetes supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) as a principle investigator.

  • [Feb. 2020] Our five papers have been accepted to appear at the Asian CHI Symposium 2020 at CHI'20 in Honolulu, HI, USA (Apr. 2020).

  • [Jan. 2020] Our paper has been published in the Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS) journal.



  • [Dec. 2018] Four papers have been accepted to appear at HCI Korea 2019 in Jeju, Korea (Feb. 2019).

  • [Nov. 2018] Attended the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) 2018, Tokyo, Japan.

  • [Nov. 2018] Our paper was presented at the Roundtable presentation during the APHA's 2018 Annual Meeting & Expo in San Diego. [url]

  • [Sep. 2018] Started a research project on the Development of a Smartphone Application for Dietary Assessment funded by Kyung Hee University as a Principle Investigator

  • [June 2018] Started a research project on AI Application Technology with MR-IoT Convergence to Countermeasure Disaster funded by Institute for Information & Communications Technology Promotion (IITP) as a Co-Investigator

  • [June 2018] Invited Talk at the 4th Aslla Symposium, Gangneung, Korea.

  • [June 2018] Our paper has been selected for Roundtable presentation during the APHA's 2018 Annual Meeting & Expo in San Diego (November 2018).

  • [May 2018] Our paper has been accepted to appear at ACM Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video (TVX) 2018 in Seoul, Korea (June 2018).

  • [Apr. 2018] Our paper has been accepted to appear in the IEEE Computer.

  • [Apr. 2018] Served as an Invited Session Chair at SIGCHI Korea Local Chapter: 2018 Spring Academic Workshop, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea

  • [Apr. 2018] Joined the Department of Software Convergence at Kyung Hee University as an assistant professor.

  • [Mar. 2018] Invited Talk at Department of Computer Engineering, Ajou University, Suwon, Korea.


  • [Nov. 2017] I have successfully defended my Ph.D. dissertation.

  • [Nov. 2017] Invited Talk at School of Human ICT Convergence, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea.

  • [Nov. 2017] Invited Talk at Department of Preventive Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.

  • [Nov. 2017] Invited Talk at Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, Korea.

  • [Nov. 2017] Invited Talk at School of Computing, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.

  • [Oct. 2017] Invited Talk at Department of Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA.

  • [Sep. 2017] Invited Talk at Department of Quantitative Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA.

  • [July 2017] Our paper has been accepted to appear at ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS) 2017 in Baltimore, MD (October 2017).

  • [May 2017] Invited Talk at Brown Center for Biomedical Informatics, Brown University, Providence, RI.

  • [Apr. 2017] Invited Talk at Department of Biostatistics and Informatics, Colorado School of Public Health, Aurora, CO.

  • [Apr. 2017] Invited Talk at Department of Healthcare Policy and Research, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY.

  • [Apr. 2017] Invited Talk at Department of Informatics, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ.

  • [Mar. 2017] I have been selected to serve as an Assistant Editor for MedInfo 2017.

  • [Feb. 2017] Our poster will be presented at the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW) 2017 in Portland, OR.

  • [Feb. 2017] Our paper will be presented at the IEEE International Conference on Informatics, Health, & Technology (ICIHT) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

  • [Jan. 2017] Invited Talk at Institute for Biomedical Informatics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

  • [Jan. 2017] Invited Talk at Graduate School of Knowledge Service Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.

  • [Jan. 2017] Invited Talk at College of Nursing, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.

  • [Jan. 2017] Invited Talk at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.


  • [Dec. 2016] Invited Talk at School of Computer Science and Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea.

  • [Dec. 2016] Invited Talk at School of Human ICT Convergence, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea.

  • [Dec. 2016] Invited Talk at Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology, Seoul National University, Suwon, Korea.

  • [Dec. 2016] Invited Talk at Department of Library and Information Science, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.

  • [Dec. 2016] Invited Talk at Department of Biomedical Informatics, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon, Korea.

  • [Dec. 2016] Invited Talk at Biomedical Engineering Department, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.

  • [Dec. 2016] Invited Talk at Division of Biomedical Informatics, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.

  • [Nov. 2016] Hyunggu Jung gave two oral presentations at American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) 2016 in Chicago, IL.

  • [Nov. 2016] Hyunggu Jung co-organized 1st workshop on Social Media for Older Adults (SMOA) along with SocInfo 2016 in Bellevue, WA.

  • [Nov. 2016] Hyunggu Jung gave an oral presentation at 2016 Conference of Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics (APAMI) in Seoul, Korea.

  • [Nov. 2016] Invited Talk at School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University in Seoul, Korea.

  • [Oct. 2016] Hyunggu Jung presented my doctoral research at the doctoral consortium along with IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI) 2016 in Chicago, IL.

  • [Oct. 2016] Hyunggu Jung was selected as a recipient of the National Science Foundation (NSF) student travel grant in IEEE ICHI 2016.

  • [Sep. 2016-present] I started working as a writing tutor at Odegaard Writing & Research Center.


  • [Dec. 2015] Invited Talk at School of Human ICT Convergence, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea.

  • [Dec. 2015] Invited Talk at the 16th KOCSEA Technical Symposium, Claremont, CA.

  • [Jun-Sep 2015] Hyunggu Jung was a Research Intern at Palo Alto Research Center (PARC).

  • [Aug. 2015] Hyunggu Jung won a 2015 KSEA-KUSCO Scholarship.


  • [Dec. 2014] Invited Talk at School of Human ICT Convergence, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea.

  • [Dec. 2014] Invited Talk at Department of Biomedical Informatics, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon, Korea.

  • [Jan. 2014] Invited Talk at College of Nursing, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.